The Piaggio Museum in Pontedera
The Piaggio Museum in Pontedera
The Piaggio Museum, inaugurated in March of 2000 and completely renewed in the 2018 in Pontedera, was created to conserve and enhance the historical heritage of the ancient Italian company, retracing its path of economic transformations and developments Business and industrial.
The Museum, of 5000 square meters, exhibits more than 250 of its most famous and representative products and in the historical archive you will also find a rich documentation of high importance.
To date, in 18 years of activity, the museum has counted more than 600,000 visitors, constantly increasing and this means that the museum can accept not only the history of the Piaggio Group but can also tell the history of mobility and industrial and social development Of the whole country about the world of transport: ships, trains, airplanes, cars, scooters, motorcycles…
And all the country regarding the world of transport: ships, trains, airplanes, cars, scooters, motorcycles…
In 2003 the Piaggio Museum and its Historical Archives were awarded as “Best Museum” and “Best Archive of Companies” in Italy, in the edition of the Enterprise and Culture Award of the year 2003.
If you want to visit the Piaggio Museum:
Tuesday – Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday: (Second and fourth Sunday of the month) 10:00 – 18:00
Monday: Closed
Extraordinary Openings:
2019 – Pasquetta (22 April); Feast of Liberation (April 25); Workers ‘ Day (May 1); Feast of the Republic (June 2); Ferragosto (August 15); Day of Saint Faustino (second Thursday of the month of October); All Saints (November 1); Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8); Santo Stefano (26 December)
Tuesday – Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday (second and fourth Sunday of the Month): 10.00 – 18.00
Monday: Closed
For more information, the official website https://www.museopiaggio.it/